
Nurturing Marriage and Family

2016 Book of Resolutions, #2028

Whereas, according to the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church, “We believe the family to be the basic human community through which persons are nurtured and sustained in mutual love, responsibility, respect, and fidelity”; and

Whereas, we recognize that support from a faith community can help every family, no matter what its configuration, to more effectively provide safety, nurture growth, and sustain healthy relationships; and

Whereas, many families throughout our world today suffer because of poverty, inadequate health care, violence in the home, violence in their communities, lack of knowledge for developing healthy relationships, and inadequate resources for times of transition or crisis; and

Whereas, we recognize that healthy marriages have a positive impact on all members of a family; and

Whereas, we believe that United Methodist general agencies, annual conferences, and congregations can join together to strengthen and support marriages and families;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the 2012 General Conference of The United Methodist Church support efforts to nurture families and marriages.

  1. We call upon pastors to take seriously the importance of premarital counseling for those seeking marriage.
  2. We call upon congregations to offer classes and programs related to parenting, relationships, faith formation in the family, communication skills, conflict management, marriage preparation, marriage enrichment, and coping with crisis.
  3. We call upon pastors and congregations to offer support and resources for single persons and families in all their various configurations.
  4. We call upon annual conferences to assist congregations through the development, identification, and promotion of programs and resources for single persons and families in all their various configurations.
  5. We call upon the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to offer resources for clergy in marriage preparation and marriage enrichment and in developing healthy relationships within their own families.
  6. We call upon seminaries to train clergy in marriage preparation, marriage counseling, and marriage enrichment.
  7. We call upon the General Board of Church and Society to study state and federal legislation (both proposed and already in effect) related to strengthening marriages and families and to make recommendations to Boards of Church and Society in annual conferences regarding the possible impact of such legislation.
  8. We call upon The United Methodist Publishing House to continue publication of materials in support of marriage, parenting, and family life.
  9. We call upon the General Board of Discipleship to continue to develop, identify, and promote resources and materials for ministry to single persons and families in all their various configurations.


See Social Principles, ¶ 161B.

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Copyright © 2016, The United Methodist Publishing House, used by permission