As United Methodists, we understand our call to transform the world involves personal, social and civic righteousness.
The relationships we form in our communities, often through our direct service and mercy ministries, lead us to be advocates for justice. We cannot remain silent when we witness our neighbors impacted by broken social, economic and political systems that result in poverty, conflict, and oppression.
The Bible and Advocacy
Scripture both inspires us and informs our advocacy. In the Old and New Testaments, we hear God’s call for us to do justice (Micah 6:8), to repair brokenness in our communities (Isaiah 58, 61), and to love one another (John 15). The prophets and Jesus consistently warn leaders who would oppress and deny justice to others. And throughout the Bible, God calls faithful women and men to challenge these unjust leaders and serve as advocates for justice and peace.
The Bible not only requires us to do justice, but also provides countless examples of effective advocacy. From the persuasive power of Jesus’ storytelling and the success of the persistent widow (Luke 18), to Aaron’s accompanying a reluctant Moses (Exodus 4) and the brave disobedience of the midwives Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:15-21), stories throughout the Bible offer powerful and practical ideas for today’s advocates.
Putting our Faith into Action
Advocating alongside our neighbors, we call leaders to account and demand policies and practices that reflect our understanding of justice and dignity for all. While the journey toward justice is long, God encourages us and sustains us through community.
Church and Society educates, equips and connects advocates with other United Methodists and faith and community-based partners as, together, we build a movement for justice.
Take Action
For current legislative advocacy actions in the United States, click here.