Take action: Support a Just and Equitable Economic Recovery
Invitation to Action
As United Methodists, we support a just and equitable economy that values work and honors the dignity of all workers. Recent months have shone a spotlight on low-wage workers who despite being newly recognized as ‘essential’ are too often paid poverty wages and denied basic protections in the workplace.
Advocating for a just economy has been central to our identity as Methodists for generations. The 1908 Social Creed is a powerful witness of the church in response to growing economic exploitation following the Industrial Revolution. Today, our social teachings affirm that “A living wage in a safe and healthy workplace with reasonable hours of work is a universal right not restricted by national borders.” (Book of Resolutions 4101: Living Wage Model)
As communities recover from the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and work to dismantle structural racism, we must take action in support of a more just, inclusive, and equitable economy.
As people of faith, we can reflect these values through our actions as individuals and institutions AND we must demand policy reforms from our elected officials. In near-term relief packages and long-term structural reform measures, Congress must act to support unemployment benefits, paid sick leave, access to child care, increased wages, and health and safety protections in the workplace.
Contact your members of Congress today to support workers and help build a more just and equitable economy.