Health and Wholeness Partnerships
Coalitions and partners on issues of health care, mental health, and addictions.
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
CADCA works at the grassroots and national levels focusing on advocacy, training and education on alcohol and other drugs. CADCA educates the public about the latest trends in substance abuse, builds community coalitions and develops tools and resources that empower communities to solve their drug and alcohol-related problems.
Faiths United Against Alzheimer’s Coalition
Faiths United Against Alzheimer’s is a coalition of faith leaders and organizations working to mobilize the faith community to promote dignity, compassionate care and quality of life for individuals with Alzheimer’s and provide support for their families, while calling on industry leaders, community stakeholders and policymakers to work urgently to find disease-modifying treatments and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
Faith United Against Tobacco (FUAT)
FUAT is a faith-based coalition that mobilizes the faith community to support federal and state legislative priorities that promote tobacco prevention and cessation with a sole focus of reducing smoking rates to promote a healthier world.
Health Care Now (HCNow)
HCNow is a coalition supporting a national, single-payer, guaranteed, healthcare system in the United States.
National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC)
NCHC is a coalition of almost 100 organizations, employing or representing about 150 million members in the United States dedicated to achieving better, more affordable health care for all.
Pathways to Promise Mental Health Coalition (P2P)
P2P is an interfaith coalition providing technical assistance and resources including liturgical and educational materials, program models, and networking information to promote a caring ministry with people with mental illness and their families.
Stop Predatory Gambling Now (formerly National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling)
Stop Predatory Gambling Now is a grassroots organization providing research, education and advocacy on the adverse impacts of gambling.