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Death Penalty
We unequivocally oppose the death penalty and urge its elimination from all criminal codes.
faith in action
I Was Sentenced to Death: An Ash Wednesday Reflection
My name is Ndume Olatushani and I was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death. I spent 28 years in prison and twenty of those years were spent on death row in the state of Tennessee. Ultimately, I was released from prison on June 1, 2012.
faith in action
I can't breathe: On the third anniversary of the death of Eric Garner
Eric Garner was killed by police officers three years ago today. Yet, no one was found responsible for his death. How can there be a murder with no murderer?
press release
Social-justice agency expresses concern over Sandra Bland’s death
Question the cause of death while in police custody
Death Penalty Faith and Facts Card
A two-sided card offering concise information about the death penalty.
press release
Legislation to end preventable maternal, child deaths worldwide applauded
Church and Society upholds the dignity and worth of all women and children and applauds this legislation to do the same.
social principle
The Political Community: The Death Penalty
2016 Book of Discipline, Social Principles ¶164.G
faith in action
Stop the deaths in Yemen
A civil war has ravaged Yemen for nearly three years, following years of political turmoil. Saudi Arabia, in coalition with several other Gulf nations and with U.S. backing, began airstrikes in March 2015 trying to influence the outcome of the civil war.
faith in action
Death, Disappearance and Despair: A Korean American’s Reflection on “Called Seminar: El Salvador”
The story of El Salvador is a human story. It is a war story. It is my story. It is an American story.