
Youth2023 - Take Action Against Dangerous Legislation of Florida State Politicians.

The actions of the Florida Legislature put marginalized communities at an even greater risk for danger, exploitation, and maltreatment.

Florida legislature - culture wars
The Florida State Legislature passes harmful laws contrary to UMC Social Principles

Over the course of the last few months, the state legislature of Florida has introduced and passed harmful bills related to immigration, access to educational truths, and those in the LGBTQ community.

The bills have not only been harmful, but many are counter to the positions of the United Methodist Church. In our Social Principles—our guiding document—we affirm all persons as equally valuable in the sight of God (Paragraph 162. The Social Community).

We applaud the actions of the Youth2023 organizing committee for partnering with organizations on the ground to bring awareness to the dangerous legislation of Florida politicians. By doing so, they stand on the side of justice and ensure that these actions don’t overtake the intent of the program’s efforts.

As the advocacy agency of the United Methodist Church, we encourage participants of the conference to make great use of the BraveSpaces offered to share their questions and concerns should topics arise related to the issues of justice and peace.

We further encourage youth leaders and youth to engage in this moment of action, asking for federal legislation to be passed that would protect vulnerable communities such as our immigrant neighbors and friends. Specifically, we ask that participants utilize the QR code to send a letter to their federal legislators asking them to support The American Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 16). This bill creates a legal pathway to receive permanent resident status.

As the United Methodist Church, our book of discipline affirms the worth, dignity, and inherent value and rights of all persons regardless of their nationality or legal status. Furthermore, the United Methodist Church is to advocate for the comprehensive reform of the US immigration system (A Call to Action, 3281. Welcoming the Migrant to the US).

Send a letter to your Representative today to make your voice heard and to stand with our neighbors under attack.