‘Living Our Principles’ now available
Church and Society has released “Living our Principles,” a six-part series highlighting how United Methodists are living out the Social Principles throughout the world.
“Living Our Principles” illustrates how valuable the United Methodist Social Principles are to our world community.
In this series, you will travel from the farmlands of Kenya to the coal mining communities of Appalachia to organic farms in the Philippines. You will hear stories of sexual exploitation in the Congo and how United Methodists advocate for restorative justice in Zimbabwe.

The series is available online for free, or you can purchase a DVD copy from our store. The DVD version also includes a curriculum for group discussion and a “best of the best” episode that highlights stories from each of the DVDs.
Connecting all of these stories is a shared faith in Christ who transforms communities, shared traditions of United Methodism, and a shared appreciation for the Social Principles as a public and living witness to the Gospel.
The videos are excellent resources for adult and senior high education classes, small groups, Church and Society committees, and in worship. These are compelling stories to show in public spaces in your communities.
If you are interested in consulting with a Church and Society staff on how best show the videos in your congregation, district or Conference and how the videos can inspire action for change in your community, contact Amber Gaines.