
Connecting Faith and Justice: Youth Lectionary Curriculum

The curriculum is designed to help students actively engage the intersection of faith and justice and explore why our faith compels us toward justice. It is available to download today for free.

This curriculum is for all youth (Junior High and Senior High) students. The lessons are flexible and can be adapted to fit the needs of your students while encouraging them to search deeper within themselves, their relationship with God, and their role within their community and the world.

The lessons are written by a diverse group of educators, pastors, emerging leaders, and lay persons from around the globe who are passionate about youth faith development.

Each lesson is designed to last an hour and includes a centering moment, scripture study, group activity, and a closing moment. All the lessons are standalone lessons and are not dependent on previous lessons. We hope that this curriculum will be a great resource for your ministry!

Download the Full Curriculum Set Here

Lectionary Year A (2019-2020) (2022-2023)
Lectionary Year B (2020-2021) (2023-2024)
Lectionary Year C (2018-2019) (2021-2022)

Comments or Questions?
If you have any comments or questions regarding the curriculum, please contact