faith in action

An Afternoon of Celebrating 100 Years of Social Witness

Watch the recorded livestream honoring the 100th Anniversary of The United Methodist Building (UMB).

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Watch the recording of this event here. This event took place on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 1:00 pm.

The General Board of Church and Society invites you to its UMB 100th Anniversary Livestream broadcast from the actual building. Launching a year of celebration, this event will highlight our shared social witness on Capitol Hill and beyond.

The Program:

Welcome: John Hill, Church and Society Interim General Secretary

Greetings: The Honorable Emanuel Cleaver, II, United States House of Representatives

Introduction: Dr. Jessica Smith, Church and Society Sr. Executive Director of Research and Planning, presents her new book, For Justice and Enduring Peace, which highlights the work of Methodists and ecumenical partners on Capitol Hill.

Feature Presentation: Dr. Ashley Boggan, General Secretary of Archives and History, provides a perspective on UMC social justice, followed by a dynamic discussion with GBCS Board members Rev. Dr. Sharon Austin and Mr. Sam England.

The program will be recorded and posted on the Church and Society YouTube channel for future viewing.