Called Seminar 2020 Registration
This fifth annual Called Seminar will be held on Zoom November 30 - December 3. Registration is free and open to all.

“All children have the right to quality education.” (UMC Social Principles ❡162.C)
The return to school has been a challenge for students, teachers, and parents. These challenges have been compounded by the disproportionate availability and access to resources, highlighting the inequities of our education system. Unfortunately, these inequities are not unique to COVID-19, and like other societal inequities magnified by COVID-19, existed prior to the pandemic.
All children should receive the resources they need to succeed. But by taking a quick glance at the U.S. education system, it becomes evident our schools and institutions of learning are still reflective of our social inequities. It should not be, but student outcomes are often determined by their zip-codes, racial and ethnic identity, primary language, gender identity, and/or disability. So to invest in an educational system that is equitable is to invest in a more just society where all are able to thrive.
Church and Society invites you to participate in our fifth annual called-seminar, “Towards Educational Equity: Investing in the Beloved Community” on November 30- December 3, 2020. Taking a multifaceted approach, we will hear from experts what an equitable education system for all can truly look like. The seminar will also equip participants with tools and resources to continue the work of advocacy towards educational equity. There will also be an optional virtual meeting with congressional offices.
Each session requires a separate registration. You will be emailed a Zoom link after registration.
(All times are Eastern Time.)
November 30
Funding an Equitable Education 11:00 AM Speakers:
- Annie Acosta - Director of Fiscal & Family Support Policy, Public Policy - The Arc
- Zahava Stadler - Special Assistant for State Funding and Policy - Education Trust
- Victoria Jackson Senior Policy Analyst-Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
Anti-Racist School Culture & Curriculum 3:00 PM
- Dr. Tiffany Mitchell Patterson- Board member of Teaching for Change, Assistant Professor, Secondary Social Studies, West Virginia University
- Khalilah Harris - Managing Director for K-12 Education Policy- Center for American Progress
Registration Deadline: November 30
December 1
Preventing Criminalization & Harm in Schools 11:00 AM
- Sherri Doughty- Assistant Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security,-Government Accountability Office
- Krithika Santhanam- Staff Attorney- Advancement Project
School in the Time of COVID-19 3:00 PM
- Michelle Burris - Senior Policy Associate- Century Foundation
- Elaine Weiss - Policy Director, National Academy of Social Insurance and Research Associate, Economic Policy Institute
- Rev. Dr. Marion Morton Crayton- IDAC & International Health Commission of the AME Church
- Emma Garcia-Economist, Economic Policy Institute
Registration Deadline: December 1
December 2
Teambuilding & Annual Conference Networking 11:00 AM Virtual Congressional Meeting Preparations 3:00 PM Registration Deadline: November 11
December 3
Virtual Congressional Meetings Time TBA
Speakers TBA
Webinars on November 30 and December 1 will be recorded. Register to receive the links and additional resources.
In order to ensure Congressional meetings are scheduled, earlier registration deadlines for the December 2 sessions are required to ensure congressional meetings can be scheduled for interested persons.
Closed captions and ASL interpretation will be available for Nov 30 and Dec 1 webinars. For December 2 and 3 events, it will be available upon request.
Email Aimee Hong, Senior Executive Director of Education and Engagement.