faith in action

Peace With Justice Sunday: May 27, 2018

Congregations across the United Methodist connection take a special offering to support the peacebuilding and justice-seeking ministries of the church.

Peace with Justice is a faithful expression of shalom in the Bible. It calls the church to strengthen its capacity to advocate publicly in communities and nations throughout the world. It aims to make shalom visible and active in people’s lives and communities by setting people free from bondage. We will celebrate Peace with Justice when all people have access to adequate jobs, housing, education, food, health care, income support, and clean water. We will further celebrate when there is no more economic exploitation, war, political oppression, and cultural domination. United Methodist Book of Resolutions, “Peace with Justice Sunday and Special Offering

Every United Methodist congregation has the opportunity each year to lift up the work of justice and peace in their communities and around the world. The special offering collected on Peace With Justice Sunday helps The United Methodist Church in a variety of contexts. You can donate in your local church May 27, 2018, or online.

The United Methodist Church also offers posters and offering envelops free of charge. You can order them in the denomination’s online store.