faith in action

A prayer for United Nations Day

Today is the 72 anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. The Rev. Mark Terwilliger of Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, offers this prayer.

Parthians, Medes, Elamites, residents of the United States, Mexicans, North Koreans, Iranians,
Regardless of our home or place of refuge, we are created in God’s image and pronounced “good.“

To all of us a child is born, a son is given; God’s Holy Spirit has been poured out on all people.
God grants dignity to all people, including those who migrate, seek refuge and are uprooted.

God’s Holy Spirit swept over the face of the waters; Abram and Sarai left their home in Chaldea,
Jacob’s family sought famine relief in Egypt; our own ancestors moved seeking a better life.

Moving God, help us to empathize with those who migrate today,
and to dream for them the kind of freedom we ourselves enjoy.

Slavery in Egypt and in the United States; forced relocation: Assyria, Babylonia, the Trail of Tears,
Joseph and Mary’s flight to Egypt, Parents today fleeing guns, drones and bombs,

Trafficked women and children for sex, cheap clothing and cocoa,
Holy Spirit, inspire in us imagination of others’ lives; bring scope to our patterned minds.

Nameless, faceless people behind statistics, people we lump into categories,
What if migrants were our sons, our daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and lovers?

Texas, Louisiana, Marshall Islands, India, Cartaret Islands…
Lord, inspire empathy to walk in others’ steps, to a care for migrating people as our own kin.

Freedom through the Sea, gleaning laws, the Year of Jubilee, cities of refuge—marks of God’s compassion.
Holy Spirit who brings order from chaos, help us see how we intersect with migrating people.

Give us insight beyond what is legal to what is helpful, right and holy. Include us in your walk with others through the Sea, working on solutions to forced migration.

Ministry to…
No! Ministry WITH!

Those who have no table belong with us at the Lord’s Table,
and at our tables as well. May God be honored as we serve with others. Amen.

This prayer was written by the Rev. Mark Terwilliger, pastor of Countryside Community Church in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. Congregations should feel free to use in their worship services.