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Christian Nationalism in the U.S.
The rising influence of Christian Nationalism has increasingly seeped into U.S. politics threatening the vibrancy and the cultural fabric of U.S. democracy.

press release
Five Leaders Honored with United Methodist Global AIDS Committee Awards
The United Methodist Global Aids Committee (UMGAC) announced today the 2024 recipients of the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund Leadership Award. The awards ceremony is during the Breaking Barriers AIDS Conference on April 22, at The First United Methodist Church in Charlotte, N.C., 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., day before the opening of the United Methodist General Conference.
faith in action
ON THIS DAY the Board of World Peace Offered Congressional Testimony Opposing the Draft
On March 26, 1959, Mr. Herman Will, Administrative Secretary of the Board of World Peace, (later to become The General Board of Church and Society), walked across the street from his United Methodist Building office to the Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing and testified against the 4-year extension of the military draft.

faith in action
UMC Council of Bishops Support Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza
Following the Council of Bishops' call for ceasefire in Gaza, contact your elected leaders today to stop the spread of violence, prevent further loss of life and support humanitarian efforts to alleviate the suffering.

New Videos of The United Methodist Building's 100th Anniversary for UMC Annual Conferences
High-quality videos tell the story of the United Methodist Building's one hundred year legacy of social witness on Capitol Hill and beyond.

faith in action
Celebrating Women's History Month Highlighting Methodist Frances Willard
She was known for her work with the temperance movement as president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Board, but her impact was empowering women's voices in the pulpit and at the ballot box.

faith in action
United Methodists Educate for Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice
On February 19 - March 26, 2024, United Methodists for Reproductive Justice (UM4RJ) is hosting a four-week virtual Lenten webinar series to educate United Methodists on the importance of Reproductive Justice, Rights, and Healthcare.

faith in action
Witness for Peace in Israel and Palestine This Lent
Since the October attacks in Israel, the faith community has been a steadfast witness for peace, urging our elected officials to call for a ceasefire.

faith in action
I, too, am America: Black History Month and the Importance of Voting Rights
From the erasure of Black people from history books to the practices of Jim and Jane Crow, 2.0, African Americans are constantly striving to combat oppression on all fronts due to the ever present root: Racism.

faith in action
ON THIS DAY - The Methodist Building Cafeteria To Integrate
On February 21, 1947, the process began to serve everyone at the Methodist Building Cafeteria on Capitol Hill no matter the color, race or creed.