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Action Alert: Tell the House to Save the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act

May 13, 2024

Call on your Representative to extend and strengthen legislation that provides compensation to people exposed to radiation.

faith in action

Done! All Sections of the Revised Social Principles Officially Adopted.

May 2, 2024

Today, General Conference delegates passed The Social Community section of the Revised Social Principles in its entirety.


faith in action

General Conference Delegates Celebrate The United Methodist Building's 100th Anniversary

May 1, 2024

100 years of social witness on Capitol Hill

GC UMB100 John Hill

faith in action

Delegates at General Conference Pass Revised Social Principles on Human Rights

April 28, 2024

The vote count was 671 to 57, passing with 92%.

GC UM News RSP photo

faith in action

Pending Revised Social Principles Presented for Adoption at 2020 Postponed General Conference, Charlotte

April 24, 2024

Church and Society Interim General Secretary John Hill and Revised Social Principles team address General Conference delegates.

GC RSP presenters

press release

The General Board of Church and Society Names General Secretary-Elect

April 11, 2024

Washington, D.C. – The Board of Directors for The General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church announced today the election of Bishop Julius C. Trimble as the agency’s new General Secretary, effective September 1, 2024.

Bishop Trimble pew


Tell the House to Support the Philippines Human Rights Act

April 9, 2024

Stand against extrajudicial killings and impunity in the Philippines. The Philippines Human Rights Act (H.R.1433) would block U.S. security assistance to the Philippines until human rights standards are met.

faith in action

United Methodist Global Aids Committee Spring Newsletter 2024

April 4, 2024

There’s still time to register for the April 22 United Methodist Global AIDS Committee’s Breaking Barriers AIDS Conference: Tackling Stigma.

faith in action

ON THIS DAY... South Africans At United Methodist Building During National U.S. Anti-apartheid Tour

April 3, 2024

On April 3, 1986, a distinguished delegation from South Africa held a press conference at The United Methodist Building calling for U.S. support to end apartheid in South Africa.

Apartheid protest