Donate to the Susan Henry-Crowe Fund for Emerging Leaders
In honor of former General Secretary to The General Board of Church and Society, the Susan Henry-Crowe Fund for Emerging Leaders is a permanent fund that generates financial support for the next generation of justice advocates. Contributions will provide:
- Scholarships for youth and young adults to attend advocacy workshops and trainings on issues like climate change, immigration, poverty, health and peace building;
- Young adult interns from a range of racial and ethnic backgrounds with inspiring professional experiences and opportunities to put their faith into action through leadership training and guidance;
- Funding for curriculum and resource development that supports youth and young adults explore ways to advocate and organize for justice and peace;
- Countless activities and opportunities for faithful witness!
Thank you for considering a donation to the Susan Henry-Crowe Fund for Emerging Leaders at The General Board of Church and Society.
Give by mail:
General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
100 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, D.C. 20002
Thank you for your support of the General Board of Church and Society. View our audited financial reports from 2021, 2020, and 2019